Marietta Engle Remington

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Mariette (Margaret2, John1) was born in Royalton, Ohio, September 11, 1817. One may form some idea of how her girlhood days were spent by reading the life of her mother, Margaret Engle. When she had grown to womanhood she found employment in Cleveland. Here she was married to Ezra W. Remington, September 16, 1842. Mr. and Mrs. Remington lived for a short time in Bedford, Ohio, but most of their married life was spent in Cleveland. Mrs. Remington died July 5, 1847. Mr. Remington died April 3, 1854.


John, b. Aug. 25, 1843, d. Sept. 16, 1843.

Viola M., b. June 13, 1845.

Viola M. Remington

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Viola M. Remington (Marietta3, Margaret2, John1) was born in Bedford, Ohio, June 13, 1845. Her mother died when Viola was two years old. Her grandmother Engle and aunt Amoret Enos took charge of the motherless baby and for several years her home was with them in Royalton, Ohio. When Viola was 13 years old she went out to service in Royalton, Ohio. In her twentieth year of age she went to Cleveland into the family of her uncle, Austin Engle. Two years later she went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Odell, cousins of her mother, and served them with all the loyalty and devotion of a daughter until their death, in 1905, a period of 36 years. Since 1905 she has done housework and laundrying in the homes of families where she is acquainted.

One who has long known Miss Remington sent us this tribute to her character:

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