Page 1 To the Honourable senate and House of Representatives in Congress assembled Your humble petitioner John Shepherd, now residing in the county of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio, beg leave to represent that I was born at a place near the city of Philadelphia,called Chesnut Hill on the 16th of March 1729, and that on the 16th of March insuing I shall be 103 years old, that in the French war I enlisted and served in Capt Beaslys company of Pennsylvania, during the campaign in which Gen Braddock was defeated, at when defeat I was present as a soldier, and acted the part of a drummer in said company. That in the spring of the year 1776, I enlisted and served, for the period of one year in the 2d Regiment of the Pennsylvania Line. commanded by Lt. Col. William Allen, that in the year 1777, I enlisted in the 3d Regiment Pennsylvania line commanded by Col Thomas Craig, for the period of 3 years or during the war, such being the terms of this enlistment, and faithfully served in said 3d Regiment, for more than 3 years, and untill I became sick and disabled, when I was lodged in the Hospital in the city of Philadelphia, where being wholly crippled with very severe rheumatic complaints, by the recommendation of Doct. Benjamin Rush, I obtained a written discharge from the army, from general Benedict Arnold, then a commanding officer in the city of Philadelphia. but this discharge, with all the property & papers was burnt with my dwelling house, at a place called Williamsport, on the west branch of the Susquehanna Pennsylvania, some 25 or 26 years ago. That until recently with a vigor of body, uncommon to a man of my years Page 2 I have since occasionally suffered, I am ----- entirely helpless and wholly destitute of property now dependent on charity for my support. With these ----- and some ----- by my infirmities and poverty I ---- ---- ---- honourable ----- to be placed on the pension list of revolutionary ----- John Shepherd The State of Ohio Cuyahoga ------- February 24 1832 Personal apperance before me. The above named John Shepherd, the signer of the ongoing petition and to ------------------ and having been duly sworn, made solemn oath, that the facts by him stated, in the forgoing petition are his. Sam Williamson, --- Judge Page 3 This may certify, that for several years past, I have been personally, and familiarily acquainted with the above named John Shepherd, and take pleasure in stating, that his character for truth and veracity for industry and good habits is irreproachable. That by the community in which he lives, he is held in veneration, for his surprising age, and reputed revolutionary services, of which no doubt are entertained. That being, as he is now entirely destitute of the means of support and in a state of extreme poverty, much public feeling exists in favor of his application to be placed on the pension list. Samuel Markweather Cleveland, Ohio Feb 24, 1832 Page 4 John Shepherd Petition for Pension Mar 6, 1832 Refer to form in ---- ---- May 14 1832 ------ ---- ---- Kavanaugh 3. --- --- --- E. --------- 71 ----- -----