Gettysburg, Pennsylvania has been a popular tourist and historical destination ever since July of 1863.
The images on this website are taken from a guidebook to the Civil War battlefield entitled Historic Views of Gettysburg. My copy of this book is in rough shape without a cover or any other identifying marks and probably has pages missing. Its size is 11.75 inches by 9.25 inches. It has been in my family for years.
Also see my section Tipton's Photos at Devil's Den.
The front cover shows an engraving of the "High Water Mark" monument and the "copse of trees."
On the rear cover: Gettysburg Compiler Print
[page 1] Historic Views of Gettysburg
Illustrations in Half-Tone of all the Monuments, Important Views and Historical Places on the Gettysburg Battlefield
Text by Robert C. [Clinton] Miller
Published by J. I. Mumper and R. C. Miller,
Custodian of the Jennie Wade House, Gettysburg, Pa.
Copyright, 1912, By J. K. Mumper and R. C. Miller
This volume is issued in the hope that its illustrations will afford visitors and others interested in the Battlefield of Gettysburg some insight into the beauties of the natural scenery, enhanced now by hundreds of monuments of tasteful and elegant designs marking the positions which were occupied by the volunteer troops. The veteran organizations were aided in the construction of these monuments by liberal appropriations by the legislatures of their native States. The perfectly constructed Telford avenues, substantial tablets marking Confederate positions and park-like appearance of this vast field, together with the imposing general monument and individual markers, placed at the line position of each Regular organization, show the unstinted hand with which the United States Government has taken up its work and is making this Battlefield, in a special manner, the Mecca of pilgrimage to all lovers of our Union.
There is a reason for all of this. The Battle of Gettysburg enjoys a distinction which cannot be accorded to any other of the great battles of the Civil War. It has been well said it is the high water mark of the tide of the Rebellion. The waves of fire which surged around these hills on those three days of July, 1863, ever receded until they sank into eternal calm at Appomattox. It was the only battle which was fought on free soil. All previous battles led up to Gettysburg; those subsequent led away from it. To no one General can the credit of causing the battle to be fought here be given; likewise to no one in particular more than another belongs the credit of conducting it to a successful issue. It was the soldier's battle.
While the following pages will contain some references to particular incidents connected with the monuments being described, it is not our purpose to go into a detailed account of the Battle. The hundreds of histories which have been written on this subject and the guide-books with their descriptions of the movements of troops, etc., accurately cover that part.
The idea of the preservation of the Battlefield of Gettysburg had its inception as early as April 30, 1864, when the Gettysburg Battlefield Memorial Association was incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, to hold and preserve the Battle-grounds of Gettysburg, with the natural and artificial defenses, as they were at the time of said battle, and by such perpetuation, and such memorial structures as a generous and patriotic people may aid to erect, to commemorate the heroic deeds, the struggles, and the triumphs of their brave defenders.
Appropriations from nearly all of the States whose troops were engaged here, together with a sum which was raised by the sale of certificates of stock and some other sources, placed at the disposal of this body a total of $106,575.59. All of this was expended in the purchase, restoration, improvement and maintenance of the grounds, so that in 1895 when by deed of conveyance their holdings were transferred to the United States, they had acquired about 600 acres of the most important parts of the field, had constructed 17 miles of avenues and driveways, and had provided sites and supervised the erection of 320 monuments.
On February 11, 1895, a bill introduced in Congress by Major-General Daniel E. Sickles of New York, became a law. It provided for the establishment of the Gettysburg National Park to be in charge of a Commission appointed by the Secretary of War, who, under his direction, were "to superintend the opening of additional roads... mark the boundaries... ascertain and definitely mark the lines of battle of all troops engaged... to acquire lands which were occupied by infantry, cavalry, and artillery, and such other adjacent lands as he may deem necessary to preserve the important topographical features of the Battlefield.
The present Commission is composed of Colonel John P. Nicholson, Chairman of Pennsylvania; General L. L. Lomax, of Virginia, and Major C. A. Richardson, of New York. That under their efficient management the purposes of the act are being carried out, is the opinion of all who visit the Gettysburg National Park.
Page 2 First Day's Battle
Page 5 East Cemetery Hill
Page 6 Vermont and Rhode Island Monuments -- Miscellaneous Monuments
Page 7 The Second Day's Battle
Page 11 Maryland and New Jersey Monuments -- Natural Curiosities --West Confederate Avenue
Page 12 Cemetery Ridge from West Confederate Avenue
Page 13 The Whitworth Battery -- Memorials
Page 14 The Third Day's Battle